Gaining weight is usually a result of consuming more calories than the body naturally expels, causing a build-up of extra fat under the skin. Maintaining a healthy weight and BMI can be achieved by eating healthily and exercising regularly, however other factors such as ageing and hormonal changes can make this difficult.
Feelings of self-consciousness and frustration can result from a person who is affected by having stubborn areas of fat, seeking methods such as shape enhancing garments or baggier clothing, to conceal this concern.
Liposculpture can be used to successfully treat areas such as: arms, thighs, stomach, buttocks and submental fat (under the chin), but should not be used as an alternative method of weight loss or to replace a healthy lifestyle. The procedure is performed under a general anaesthetic and can be treated either as a day case or may require an overnight stay in hospital, depending on the size of the area to be treated.