Blepharoplasty Manchester


Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that aims to restore a youthful appearance to the eye.

Also known as an ‘eyelid lift’ this treatment is a cosmetic procedure that corrects droopy and / or puffy eyelids and rejuvenates the eye area by lifting the eyelid and opening up tired, sleepy looking eyes.

At a glance

Expected results

Youthful restoration to the eye area

Length of Surgery

Up to 1 hour


Twilight (local anaesthetic and sedation)


Up to 2 weeks

A condition that is largely related to the ageing process, droopy or sagging eyelids occur when the delicate skin around the eye becomes less supported by the surrounding muscles, causing in the eyelid to drop to a lower level than naturally expected.

It is not uncommon for this procedure to be performed alongside other treatments, such as brow lift (in cases where the position of the eyebrow has dropped, impacting on the eyelid) or face lift, to add support for the intended outcomes and produce maximum results for enhancing full facial rejuvenation.

Known medically as Blepharoptosis, droopy eyelids can also be a result of trauma or injury, as well as the effects from continuous rubbing of the eyes or tugging on the skin to apply contact lenses or regular eye drops, impacting on the strength of the muscles.

People who are affected by droopy eyes feel they have developed a look that makes them appear fatigued and older than their years.

Although some non-surgical procedures can help with supporting the muscles and add volume, this is not possible for the eyelids and Blepharoplasty is often the most effective treatment option available.

Blepharoplasty can also be successful in reducing puffiness in the lower lids as well as dark circles under the eyes if the puffiness and overhanging lids cause shadows to appear.

Mr. Marando will conduct a full and thorough consultation before treatment is arranged, assessing your concerns and your expectations regarding the final results, ensuring the right approach is used for you.

The treatment itself will be carried out under twilight (local anaesthetic and sedation) or general anaesthetic, depending on the patient’s personal preference and may very occasionally require an overnight stay in hospital. An incision will be made on the upper or lower eyelid, following the natural creases, and may extend out further to where the lines known as ‘crows feet’ or ‘laughter lines’ are found. Excess skin will be cut away, along with any extra fatty tissue, and the wound will be closed using small stitches.

A Blepharoplasty performed on the lower lid may require a tightening of the skin.

Allowing sufficient time for healing and recovery is important and it may be necessary to allow up to 2 weeks of initial downtime, post operation – with time off work, in order for swelling and discomfort to subside.

Post-operative consultations, carried out by Mr. Marando, will assess the progress of your recovery and ensure your intended outcomes have been achieved. With the final results from this procedure developing over a period of 3 – 6 months, a younger, fresher appearance to the eyes can last for a number of years, helping to hinder the visible signs of ageing and give a boost to your self-confidence.


Am I suitable for this treatment?

You may be suitable for this treatment if you are affected by droopy eyelids, caused by the process of getting older or by way of trauma or injury. A full assessment conducted by Mr. Marando, prior to treatment, will determine your suitability and ensure you are fully informed of the expected results.

The patient is advised to tell Mr. Marando if they have had eye surgery before, or if they have a history of Glaucoma or Thyroid Disease as this may affect your suitability.

How safe is this treatment?

Mr. Marando uses his expertise to carry out this commonly requested procedure. Using up to date techniques and equipment, Mr. Marando ensures the operation is carried out as safely and successfully as possible, making sure the welfare of the patient is held in high regard at all times.

Is it painful?

Ensuring that you feel as comfortable as possible is a main consideration for Mr. Marando and the appropriate anaesthesia will be used to perform this procedure, so you do not feel pain during the operation. Pain killers will be administered after the procedure for the following weeks thereafter. Mr Marando urges you to remain mindful of the advice given to you as part of your aftercare, as this will ensure your healing will be more successful and help to keep your recovery as comfortable as possible.

Are there any side effects or risks?

As with all types of surgical procedures, there will be some visible side effects. This particular treatment will see the eye area experience swelling, bruising and possibly some temporary inflammation, which will settle down over a period of a couple of weeks and any slight bruising that may remain after this time can be concealed using make-up. There will also be some slight scarring on the eyelid but this should be discreet and go fairly unnoticed.

As well as the main effects that are experienced, there are in some cases less minor complications that a patient may experience. Mr. Marando will ensure you are fully informed before the operation goes ahead, but very occasionally a person may develop Haematoma, lumpy or raised scarring or infection.

How much recovery time is needed?

This procedure is usually treated as a day case, and the patient should arrange for transportation home. The next couple of weeks will require a period of relaxed activity levels, allowing for swelling and bruising to settle and taking time off work. It may be advisable to leave 1 week before returning to driving and up to 6 weeks before resuming exercise programs and going to the gym.



Gallant House, Hope Square,
Altrincham, WA14 2YQ
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